DGT-OmegaT : new ALL releases published

Bug (all releases): tmx2source did not take care of entry key

This bug has been found by OmegaT users and was also present (but now corrected) in standard OmegaT.

Bug (3.5-FINAL, 3.6-BETA, 3.7-DEV): TMX reader always sets foreign language

In previous DEV release we introduced possibility to define rules for usage of foreign language. This is inspired but different from what OmegaT did since release 5.

When trying to correct previous bug we saw that this feature also had a bug: even segments which are in the project's target language were referred as foreign. Not only it takes lot of memory but it also affects tm/auto, where foreign language entries should not be loaded

Now the foreign language attribute is set only if the target language differs from project's one.

Feature (3.5-FINAL, 3.6-BETA): ignore foreign language entries in tm/auto

Previous release did not take care of property x-target-lang (simply because it did not exist before and we did not study impact on features like tm/auto), meaning that tm/auto could eventually insert a segment from a foreign language. In 3.5-FINAL and 3.6-BETA, entries with target language are now rejected (now that entries with correct language do not have such attribute).

In 3.7-DEV we apply the same rules as for the editor: the segment is inserted if and only if it would have been inserted in the editor according to the rules.

Feature (3.6-BETA, 3.7-DEV): new options for foreign language

Two options are added in both versions for foreign language rules: now for each specific language you can also decide

  • whenever language variants (same language with no country,or with another country) would be accepted.
    Previous behavior (still in 3.5-FINAL) was to consider them. You may want to avoid them in case you want different rule (or simply different penalty) for language variants
  • whenever other languages are also displayed if this one is found
    Previous behavior (still in 3.5-FINAL) was to stop the cascade, because the goal of this feature is to avoid to have too many tuv entries for a single tu. But sometimes two or three languages can be useful.



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