DGT-OmegaT : new DEV+BETA releases published

Download: 3.6-BETA-4.0 3.7-DEV-4.0

As this is a new feature,  3.6-BETA and 3.7-DEV are concerned.

This version adds possibility to configure the minimal score for which a match should be visible in the matches pane. This comes from a discussion with the core team of OmegaT. Implementation of statistics is different in DGT-OmegaT, I wanted to be sure that such a feature would not disturb statistics: in theory it shouldn't, because statistics are based on best match for each segment, but it is useful to make some tests.

See also my comments in the ticket: inconsistency between matches pane and statistics is a point which should be discussed, because if you use statistics for price calculation, it is not consistent to have a segment calculated in statistics but not auto-inserted via the patches pane.


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