The following improvements are in the scripts/ directory and, except for the extra scripts, can be used as is in the original Omega-T, since no changes have been made in the scripts engine itself.
Two scripts based on Kos Ivantsov's write_sel_files2TMX.groovy can create export for Euramis (DGT's Translation Memories repository) and for DGT/Omega-T, in both cases, one per document and including the properties used by the destination tool.
These scripts are also modified to run in a separate thread, so that the user can continue to work during the process, which can sometimes be long in very large projects.
The scripts/extra folder contains scripts which are run directly from the code: this concerns the reformatter and the cross-lingual concordance (which is a plugin, and called only if the plugin is present)
The script check_rules.groovy has been improved with the following additions:
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