Tagwipe - Technical info

Why TagWipe ?

TagWipe has a double function:

  1. Suppress useless tags. Microsoft word documents are often (=always) polluted with extra features that may look interesting from the editor's point of view, but are useless and annoying when it comes to producing a the translation.

    Attributes like language, revision history and a lot others ones introduce useless tags when the original document is opened in a Computer Aided Translation (CAT) tool. TagWipe tries to suppress them keeping the essential in-line formatting like bold, italic, underlineā€¦

  2. Correct malformed footnote references, nonbreaking and soft hyphens.

Furtheremore, a complementary tool "TagWipeCompare" automates the comparison of original and wiped document with Winword 2010.


The simplest way, is just to unzip the full portable package tagwipe_windows.zip. If you want to do a manual installation see here.

Cleaning levels



"Furtheremore, a complementary tool "TagWipeCompare" automates the comparison of original and wiped document with Winword 2010."

This is unclear. What do you mean? Where can I find this "complementary tool" and what does it do?
Can I compare two documents and re-insert missing formatting that was removed?

Please, explain.

The complementary tool is in the directory "tagwipe/bin" in the Windows ZIP archive and named WordCMP.exe

If you don't see it, please check that you don't have an antivirus which removed it (already occured, normally it is solved but I don't know every antivirus which exists in the world)

About usage, clarification is here

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